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SOHU.COM First to Fire Content onto Blueflame's National PDA Network

'Search Fox' Monetizing Content on New Distribution Platform

BEIJING, CHINA, May 16, 2001 - SOHU.COM (Nasdaq: SOHU), China's leading Internet portal and online media services provider, today announced the 'Search Fox' will be selling real-time content to Shenzhen Blueflame Information Technology Company (, a Chinese manufacturer of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). Under the agreement SOHU will provide Blueflame with aggregated information that will be fired onto China's first national PDA network through the company's range of digital devices operating in fifty major cities throughout the Mainland.

In a clear strategy to take market-share, Blueflame is promoting its new generation wireless technology by giving every PDA customer a free six-month value-added offering that provides access to SOHU.COM's timely news updates, email alerts, travel reports, entertainment guides, e-learning programs, weather forecasts, and stock quotes. After this promotional period, consumers can subscribe to SOHU's standard content service or a combination of its comprehensive news and lifestyle features.

"China's lucrative PDA market has approximately one hundred manufacturers who sell over two million hand-held devices per year. Blueflame's light-weight, easy-to-use gadgets are the only PDA units that can communicate information nationally," said Hu Gang, CEO of Shenzhen Blueflame Information Technology Company. By purchasing SOHU's popular content products we are giving our customers an unmatched level of service, as well as gaining a huge competitive advantage over our rivals. With more than forty PhD engineers in our Shenzhen research and development lab, Blueflame is at the forefront of hand-held wireless communication in China."

Through this collaboration with Blueflame SOHU is extending its wireless development strategy into the PDA sector, following the launch of its SMS subscription service for mobile phones in December 2000. As a result, both enterprises are taking their technology applications to higher levels of connectivity. In the past, PDA consumers used their e-portable PCs for storing digital information. Under the terms of today's agreement, Blueflame's PDA units are becoming communication platforms that people can connect to almost anywhere in China, and which allow over 500,000 Chinese characters to be downloaded per hour.

"The wireless Web holds enormous potential for advancing the Internet's role in helping Chinese people communicate. This strategic initiative with Blueflame will potentially propel SOHU into the lives of hundreds of thousands of PDA users," said Victor Koo, Senior Vice-president of Business Development at SOHU.COM. "The benefits of this relationship for both companies are tremendous. SOHU has secured another source of revenue while expanding its loyalty base. Blueflame can leverage its technology leadership against SOHU's positive front-of-mind brand position to sell more units."

According to Charles Zhang, CEO and president of SOHU.COM, "This is the just the beginning of a stay-in-touch technology culture that will become infinitely more advanced, and more ubiquitous, over the next five years. Mobile entertainment, voice browsers, movie and music downloading, digital imaging and m-commerce will soon become standard components of every wireless Internet gizmo. SOHU.COM will not be left behind as technology moves forward. We will continue to promote product innovation that will take China's 300 million strong urban consumers to unprecedented levels of connectivity."

About is the leading Internet portal in Mainland China with current daily page views exceeding 12 million. It provides navigation/search, news, sports, business and finance, real estate channel, entertainment, chat, email and e-commerce activities for a solid and wide base of visitors. Dr. Charles Zhang founded in 1997. Its investors include Intel, Dow Jones, IDG, the Morningside China Group, PCCW, Legend and Hikari. Its content partners include CNET, DOW Jones and dozens of local media organizations in China.

For further information:
Dahlia Wei
SOHU Investor Relations and Communications
Tel: +86 10 6272 6598

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