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IR HOME > Press Room > Press Archive - 2001

SOHU CEO Boards Olympic Delegation Jet to Moscow

Beijing, July 11, 2001 - Charles Zhang, the CEO of China's premier online brand SOHU.COM (Nasdaq:SOHU), will co-lead a delegation of over 290 business, media, sports and entertainment leaders to support Beijing's 2008 Olympic bid at the 112th International Olympic Committee (IOC) meeting in Moscow. The objective of this privately sponsored initiative is to publicly reaffirm that a successful bid would boost China's economic growth and international profile.
Charles Zhang, who was appointed Deputy Chairman of the delegation, will accompany the group's Organizer and Chairman, Mr. Yan Bin, CEO of Red Bull Vitamin Drink Company Ltd. Other high-profile delegates taking part in the four-day trip include Chang Weike, Director of Capital Investment Group, singer Na Ying, TV personality Ya Ning, and movie director Xia Gang.

"As a collective of market-driven entrepreneurs and proponents of China's emergence as a dynamic business force, we are determined to demonstrate our whole hearted support for the government's efforts," said Charles Zhang, CEO, President and Chairman of SOHU.COM.

"Hosting the XXIX Olympiad will bring permanent benefits to China. Everyone becomes a winner, including SOHU.COM," Charles Zhang added. "If Beijing is successful, the government will spend over US$20 billion modernizing the city's infrastructure, including sports facilities, transportation systems and telecom networks. The publicity alone brought by the Games would accelerate tourism growth well beyond 2008."

About is the leading Internet portal in Mainland China with current daily page views exceeding 12 million. It provides navigation/search, news, sports, business and finance, real estate channel, entertainment, chat, email and e-commerce activities for a solid and wide base of visitors. Dr. Charles Zhang founded in 1997. Its investors include Intel, Dow Jones, IDG, the Morningside China Group, PCCW, Legend and Hikari. Its content partners include CNET, DOW Jones and dozens of local media organizations in China.

For further information:
Dahlia Wei
SOHU Investor Relations and Communications
Tel: +86 10 6272 6598

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