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SOHU's Webcast Services Enjoy Strong Growth Among Advertising Clients

China's premier online broadcasting provider achieves positive results for
Sun Microsystems, Audi, Legend, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Kejian, Aucma and Capitel

BEIJING, CHINA, January 8, 2002 - SOHU.COM (NASDAQ: SOHU), China's leading online media, communications, commerce and technology company, today announced growing demand for its online broadcasting services with seven new major clients enjoying the benefits of this cost-effective communication platform - Sun Microsystems, Audi, Legend, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Kejian, Aucma and Capitel.

"Our advertising clients are beginning to understand and unleash the communication power that has always existed on the Internet. Billboard-style advertising is no longer a viable option for results-driven companies. Corporations in China are increasingly using the interactivity of the Internet to their advantage, demonstrating a growing maturity and awareness of effective online marketing strategies," said Charles Zhang, CEO and President of SOHU.COM.

With 39 million registered users at the end of November, SOHU.COM hosts one of the most popular web portals in China and is uniquely positioned to offer its corporate clients interactive marketing tools that deliver compelling campaigns to targeted audiences.

The growth of online broadcasting services is part of a larger trend that corporations take a more sophisticated approach to the interactive components of online advertising. In the course of 2001 clients increasingly embraced SOHU's portfolio of marketing tools to empower their branding/marketing campaigns, including advergames, online webcasting, online surveys, user club registrations, and user competitions.

"Companies wanting to communicate quickly and cost-effectively in real-time with clients anywhere in this geographically disperse country are now realizing the benefits of SOHU's online broadcasting solutions," said Sam Qian, Vice President of eTechnology Solutions at SOHU.COM. "Managers are asking themselves why their sales teams are wasting valuable working capital conducting expensive city-by-city roadshows, when they can easily arrange interactive online broadcasts that will help them accomplish the same marketing objectives at significantly reduced costs."

Sun Microsystems recently used SOHU's marketing webcast solutions to promote its new generation Sun Open Net Environment (Sun ONE). Patricia Sueltz, Executive Vice President and general manager of Sun's Software Systems Group, convened an online seminar where she discussed the benefits of Sun's new open web services strategy. During the 90 minutes webcast 12,498 unique users logged onto the presentation, asked 127 questions and generated 160,828 page views.

In December, computer manufacturer Legend, mobile phone producers Kejian and Capitel, and household white goods producer Aucma Inc. took advantage of SOHU's real-time webcast for to launch new product roadshows.

Global pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb conducted a live Q&A web cast on SOHU.COM accompanying a major health program that was simultaneously broadcast on domestic television. Audi also used this multimedia platform to promote national driving campaigns.

About is the leading Internet portal in Mainland China with current daily page views exceeding 12 million. It provides navigation/search, news, sports, business and finance, real estate channel, entertainment, chat, email and e-commerce activities for a solid and wide base of visitors. Dr. Charles Zhang founded in 1997. Its investors include Intel, Dow Jones, IDG, the Morningside China Group, PCCW, Legend and Hikari. Its content partners include CNET, DOW Jones and dozens of local media organizations in China.

For further information:
Dahlia Wei
SOHU Investor Relations and Communications
Tel: +86 10 6272 6598

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