·SOHU.COM Achieves US GAAP Profitability in Q3, 2002 (October 22, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Announces Date for Third Quarter 2002 Earnings (October 16, 2002) ·International Institutional Investors Support SOHU (October 14, 2002) ·SOHU Launches Online Securities Trading Services (August 26, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Achieves Positive EBITDA in Q2, 2002 (July 17, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Announces Date for Second Quarter 2002 Earnings (July 10, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Reports First Quarter 2002 Financial Results (April 23, 2002) ·SOHUSTOCK.COM To Be Launched In Q3 2002 (April 17, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Hosts U.S. Assistant Trade Representative for Online Talk (April 11, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Announces Date for First Quarter 2002 Earnings (April 10, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Launches CFA 2002 World Cup Site (March 18, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Launches SOHU.NET on its Fourth Anniversary (February 25, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Wins Official Sponsorship of CFA 2002 World Cup Site (February 09, 2002) ·SOHU.COM Reports Fourth Quarter And 2001 Fiscal Year Financial Results (February 05, 2002) ·SOHU's Webcast Services Enjoy Strong Growth Among Advertising Clients (January 08, 2002)